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Campaign Plan


Promoting an Extra-Curricular Experience In An Online Environment

- Promoting clubs in Discord servers and in various student-focused channels

- Engaging with program-specific social media accounts to further advertise school events

- Preemptively sending out student surveys to gauge passions and interest 

- Catering to McMaster's diverse student population with an emphasis on cultural diversity


Ensuring Social Engagement Is Exceeded, Starting with Back2School Week 

- Back2School Week kickstarts the level of social engagement at McMaster, and it's here that the university experience truly begins

- By getting a head start on future student opinion, the university can better adapt to evolving student interest

- This establishes a precedent of collaboration where every student feels like they have a voice when it comes to social representation

- Students feel included and welcomed not only during Back2School Week, but also during the entirely of their career at McMaster


Advocate for Opportunities That Emphasize Student Success

- Proposing mentorship programs tailored towards engineering students, with the involvement of upper year students

- Putting students on the right path with student-run initiatives and other productivity-focused clubs like "How to Study Effectively" and "How to Prepare for an Interview"

- By including programs for students, run by students, McMaster will ultimately create a symbiotic culture throughout the student body, thus preparing countless minds for the future ahead

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